Do you know that most people find out they have diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and sometimes, even cancer after a routine vision test? There is a saying that your eyes are the windows to your soul; however, from the above, it can be safely said, they are the windows to your health as well.
Schedule an annual walk in eye exam near me online
In order to determine whether your eyes and health are in great shape, you need to schedule an annual walk in eye exam near me online. You can book your appointment and get your eyes checked by a qualified eye care specialist.
During the eye exam, your doctor is able to observe and assess the health condition of the blood vessels present in your retina. They are a good indicator of your general health and blood vessels located in your body. Health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia can be detected when there is a change in the appearance of the blood supply to the retina and your blood vessels.
These examinations are important for someone who already has diabetes or might be at risk of it due to family history, obesity, and other reasons.
There are over 30 million people in the USA and an additional 84 million people who have pre-diabetes. They are at risk of developing a diabetic eye disease. This is one of the most common causes of blindness in adults today. In its initial stages, you will find that it does not have any visible symptoms. A comprehensive eye examination will detect the signs of this disease so that treatment can be started to prevent a loss in vision.
Advanced research is helping several nations and the USA identify risks for Alzheimer’s disease as well. This, too, can soon be detected during any comprehensive eye examination as well.
Beware of glaucoma and permanent blindness
Of all the gravest of eye diseases, glaucoma is the sneakiest. The reason being it shows no symptoms, and in most cases of initial glaucoma, there is absolutely nothing to alert you that something in your eye is wrong.
People who do not have routine eye exams often fall prey to glaucoma and suffer from permanent vision loss. It is hard for doctors to stop additional eye vision loss once the disease catches up with you. Routine eye exams will help you detect glaucoma, and it can be controlled with medical treatment or glaucoma surgery if detected in time, or else it will lead to permanent blindness.
Therefore, you need to regularly schedule a walk in eye exam near me online with a reliable clinic for vision tests. The early identification of high pressure in your eye and the other risk elements for glaucoma can only be discovered with these regular eye tests.
Even if you believe you have perfect vision, never neglect the importance of eye tests for your health. It is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself when it comes to overall health and wellness.